{(set: $tries to $tries + 1)(set: $count to 0)
(if: $tries is 1)[You are placed into a small white room with 4 walls and no roof. The bright sun beats down from above, reflecting off the walls and obstructing your vision. You stumble around until you can place your hands on a wall. As you touch the wall it raises revealing a long hallway. *Escape!* you think and [[run through the opening.->Run]]]
(if: $tries is 2)[...and drops you back into the bright white room. You land on all fours and regain your balance. The light still shines from above but now you know where the doorway is. You walk to the wall you previously pressed and it opens before you contact it. It looks like theres only one thing to do. [[Run]].]
(if: $tries is 3)[You know the drill, go [[Run]]]}{(if: $tries is <2)[You peer into the new opening seeing the long path in front of you but an open doorway a bit off to your right.]
(if: $tries is >1)[You come back to the opening with a long hallway infront of you and a turn to your right]}
{(if: $right2 is <2)[[[Right->Right1]]]
{(if: $back1 is <2)[[[Back->Back1]]]
[(if: $right1 is 2)[You remember that right leads to a dead end]]
(if: $wins is >0)[You remember that straight leads to the end]
(set: $count to $count + 1)
(if: $count is >10)[(goto: "Redo")]You turn right to find yourself facing a wall. Another path opens to the left.
{[(if: $left2 is < 2 )[[[Left->Left2]]]
(if: $tries >1)[(if: $left2 is >0)[You remember that left leads to a dead end.]]
{[(if: $tries is 1)[(set: $right1 to 1)]
(else:)[(set: $right1 to $right1 + 1)]]
(if: $tries is >1)[(if:$right2 is >1)[Why did you turn right? You know it leads to a dead end.]]}
(set: $count to $count + 1)
(if: $count is >10)[(goto: "Redo")]A run down the long hallway leads to a right turn. This better lead somewhere because that run took a lot out of you.
(if: $wins is >0)[You remember that right leads to the end]
(set: $count to $count + 1)
(if: $count is >10)[(goto: "Redo")]You turn backwards, finding yourself back where you started your escape. After looking for another way out for a few seconds a hand reaches down, picks you up, and turns you to face the opening once again.
{[(if: $tries is 1)[(set: $back1 to 1)]
(if: $tries is >1)[(if: $back1 is 1)[(set: $back1 to 2)]]
(if: $tries is >1)[(if: $back1 is >1)[Why did you go back? You know what would happen.]
(else:)[(set: $back1 to 1)]]]}
(set: $count to $count + 1)
(if: $count is >10)[(goto: "Redo")]You turn left to find yourself at a dead end. You've already found a dead end this early on. You can only hope the rest of the escape won't go this poorly. The only way out now is from the way you came.
{[(if: $tries is 1)[(set: $left2 to 1)]
(if: $tries is >1)[(if: $left2 is 1)[(set: $left2 to 2)]]
(if: $tries is >1)[(if: $left2 is >1)[Why did you turn left? You know it leads to a dead end.]]
(else:)[(set: $left2 to 1)]]}
(set: $count to $count + 2)
(if: $count is >10)[(goto: "Redo")]The right turn leads to another right turn.
(if: $wins is >0)[You remember that right leads to the end]
(set: $count to $count + 1)
(if: $count is >10)[(goto: "Redo")]Turning the corner you find yourself at a four-way intersection. A path leads straight ahead, to your left, and to your right. So many choices.
{[(if: $right4 <2)[[[Right->Right4]]]
{[(if: $straight2 is <2)[[[Straight->Straight2]]]
[(if: $right4 is >1)[You remember that right leads to a dead end]]
[(if: $straight2 is >1)[You remember that straight leads to a dead end]]
(if: $wins is >0)[You remember that left leads to the end]
(set: $count to $count + 1)
(if: $count is >10)[(goto: "Redo")]{(if: $wins is 0)[Turning left yields a path forward and a path to your right. You can smell the faint aroma of... cheese? But you're still unable to tell which way its coming from. At least you have a 50/50 chance.]
(else:)[You can remember you're on the last part of the maze now, which way was it again?]}
{[(if: $right5 is < 2 )[[[Right->Right5]]]
(if: $tries >1)[(if: $Right5 is >1)[You remember that right leads to a dead end.]]
(if: $wins is >0)[You remember that straight leads to the end]
(set: $count to $count + 1)
(if: $count is >10)[(goto: "Redo")]At the end of the short hallway is a left turn.
{[(if: $left4 <2)[[[Left->Left4]]]
[(if: $left4 is >1)[You remember that left leads to a dead end]]
(set: $count to $count + 1)
(if: $count is >10)[(goto: "Redo")]A third right turn takes you to a dead end. You should've seen this coming.
{[(if: $tries is 1)[(set: $right4 to 1)]
(if: $tries is >1)[(if: $right4 is 1)[(set: $right4 to 2)]]
(if: $tries is >1)[(if: $right4 is >1)[Why did you turn right? You know it leads to a dead end.]
(else:)[(set: $right4 to 1)]]]}
(set: $count to $count + 2)
(if: $count is >10)[(goto: "Redo")]{(set: $dies to $dies + 1)[(if: $dies is 3)[(goto: "Ending Sender")]](if: $dies is 1)[A giant hand comes down from above and grabs your body. You try to squirm away but the hand is too strong. It carries you back to the [[start->Start]].]}
(if: $dies is 2)[Midway through your escape it starts to get dark. The hand is blocking the lights and is coming to get you again. You try to bite it, as primal as it may be its the first thing that comes into your head, but it does nothing. Back to the [[start->Start]] again.]{(set: $wins to $wins + 1)(if: $wins is 1)[When you reach the end of this hallway it opens up into a large white room similar to the one you started in. In the center is a small plate of food that you run to eagerly. This must be the end of that terrible maze! But after a few minutes of eating and rest a giant hand picks you up from above... [[start->Start]].]
(if: $wins is 2)[Once again theres a little plate of cheese for you and you scarf it down, exhaustion starting to kick in from running the maze. This time you're not even finished before being airlifted back to the [[start->Start]].]
(if: $tries is 3)[(goto:"Ending Sender")]}Looks like you guessed wrong, another right turn, another dead end.
{[(if: $tries is 1)[(set: $right5 to 1)]
(if: $tries is >1)[(if: $right5 is 1)[(set: $right5 to 2)]]
(if: $tries is >1)[(if: $right5 is >1)[Why did you turn right? You know it leads to a dead end.]]
(else:)[(set: $right5 to 1)]]}
(set: $count to $count + 2)
(if: $count is >10)[(goto: "Redo")]This time you run around the corner because surely the end must be near. Instead you run into another wall and bounce back, falling on the floor. Definitely not this way...
{[(if: $tries is 1)[(set: $left4 to 1)]
(if: $tries is >1)[(if: $left4 is 1)[(set: $left4 to 2)]]
(if: $tries is >1)[(if: $left4 is >1)[Why did you turn left? You know it leads to a dead end.]]
(else:)[(set: $left4 to 1)]]}
(set: $count to $count + 2)
(if: $count is >10)[(goto: "Redo")]Hold on a minute. It all makes sense now. The cheese, the walls, the hands. You're a rat! And... and you're trapped, being used as a test subject against your will! How long has this been going on for? Who are these people with the giant hands? Where am I? A million questions rush through your head but none bigger than...
{(if: $dies is 0)[[What next?->Escape]]
(if: $dies is 1 or 2)[[What next?->Live]]
(if: $dies is 3)[[What next?->Death]]}"Doctor!" you hear a high pitched voice exclaim, "This rat made it through without having to reset once, isn't that magnificent?!
"Yes of course," another voice booms, "in fact we can set this one free now. He's undergone enough tests for his lifetime."
The hand grabs you again and a short trip later you feel a warmth from above you. The hand brings you down to the vast black ground and you run for your life towards a bush without a second thought.
"Bye little guy! Have a nice life!" the voice calls from behind you.
**Escape**"Interesting" you here a voice boom from above you, "this rat was able to make it through but also failed, I'd like to study it more." Before you can figure out what that means the hand grabs you once again and you're being lifted in the air. This time it takes you to a wire cage and nudges you inside. You flop onto the soft floor and dash for a green hut you can hide inside of. At least you won't have to run that maze again any time soon.
**Live to run another day**"It would appear as this rat struggles with spacial skills. My hypothesis seems to be correct, Dr. Johnson would you ready the operation table? I'd like to take a look at this one's brain." *My brain??* you think, *I like it when my brain stays in my body!* You look for somewhere to run to but theres nowhere to go. Before you can react the hand once again grabs you and you feel a massive pain as something punctures your lower body. *Wha... what was... tha...* you stammer before you close your eyes for good.
(set: $tries to 0)